Monday, March 19, 2018

How do I know God loves me?

Nearly every day as a Christian I like to minister to others by asking question. But this time I was ministered to with the question, “How do I know God loves me/you other than in the Bible?”  Most times I think “Why” or what kind of persons is asking this thought baiting question? Usually, the response is from two kinds of people who struggle with the concept of God’s love. On the one hand we have those who simply assume God loves them and give it very little thought. On the other hand, many doubt God’s love for them as they tend to evaluate his love based on their circumstances.  
There were times in my early life when I would totally trust my emotions to those question of sinful betrayal and say,” I have a hard time believing God loves me. I know we are taught to say He does, and sometimes I believe it, but most of the time I did not (although I wish I did). If you knew all the bad things I’ve done or done to me in this world, you’d understand why I can’t believe God loves me”. Is this You?
How do we know God loves us, and what does His love look like? How we respond to these questions, and we all hold reactions to those questions whether we are aware of them or not, is what determines our view of God and the health of our faith.
How do we know God love us? Many are assured of God’s love through his peaceful or generous forethoughts. Many believe the proof of God’s love can be found in the good things he gives us in this life. Prayers answered the way we desire, God loves me! Provision in a time of need, God loves me! Beautiful sunsets, delicious food, a happy family, a successful career—God loves me! Of course, this begs the question, does God not love those whose lives are characterized by loss, affliction, sorrow, and need?
While it is fair to say that God’s benevolence is seen in the many ways he provides for both the righteous and the unrighteous (Mt. 5:45), we cannot look to our circumstances for assurance of God’s love. Not only would that lead us to believe that God loves some more than others, and often the wicked more than the righteous, but it also undermines faith.
When we assure ourselves of God’s love through what he provides for us, we will then question his love when our needs are unmet. God might appear temperamental, unfair, or uninvolved if we allowed our changing station in life to be the interpretation by which we understand God’s love.
If we cannot base our understanding of God’s love for us on our circumstances, what do we base it on?
So how do we know God loves us? Because Jesus died for us. Through his sacrifice sin is paid for and God’s wrath against us came to an end. When we are wondering what God thinks of us as his people, when we are in doubt of God’s affection for us, we look back. I know now, I never could have married the woman I did if it had not been for God’s grace at work in my life for many years before I met her. God’s love is not seen today in our satisfaction in this life, but yesterday in his own satisfaction in his Son. God’s love is best seen, not in a pleasing providence in our lives, but in divine comfort in the death of Jesus Christ.

But the reality of God’s love surrounds us day by day, we learn that:

·      God’s love is steadfast and unchanging
  • God’s love comforts us
  • God’s love is revealed to us through Jesus Christ
  • God’s love is poured into us through the Holy Spirit
  • God’s love compels us to love one another
·      If you do not yet know Him, won’t you accept God’s gift of love today? It’s been paid in full for you.
 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16  

God Bless You And This Ministry!

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