Wednesday, December 12, 2007

“Spiritual Draft”

John 1:1-3

To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth.
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth.

John’s prayer for his friend Gaius raises an important question. How is the health of your soul?

Have you ever noticed that the longer you put something off, the more difficult it is to make a decision? Ironically we deliberately add to the frustration and maybe unhappiness in our lives that we could so clearly avoid. Sometimes, I wish there was a magical pill that would help me with my spiritual life and soul. But unfortunately there is not one that can help us at those times in our journey that are difficult. So we either seek help from a friend, scripture, prayer or in my case carry that burden as long as we can and keep on marching forward.

The distance to be traveled seems to me, is great and the work becomes much more unpleasant. Its moments like these that lead one to believe that maybe just no way of overcoming our circumstances, of digging out. But there is!

Pick the thing that seem most difficult and get brutally honest with yourself. Stare that issue in the face. Ask, “What is the condition of my soul?” Secondly, Take ownership of your own spiritual life. Don’t play the victim card. Don’t play the, "this is just a busy season" card. You can’t blame the condition of your psyche on your friends, your pastor, your spouse or the church; you are responsible for leading yourself.

Thirdly, identify the things that fill your soul. What refreshes you spiritually? What replenishes your soul? What refuels you emotionally? Do what you have to in order to make room for these things in your life.

You have a soul. It’s who you are at your deepest core. It’s eternal and it requires soul food. Pay attention to it and nurture it Look for a friend who will encourage and kindle spiritual passion in you. Some people call that type of person a soul mate. For me my spirit needs activity, the type that feeds on effort and work. I need to read and study alone as well with others. This will saturates your thinking and your life with God’s word. Think about other out side sources you can use. It’s a matter of soul health. Effort is not a curse; it is the prerequisite of success, the true measure of civilization. God didn’t burden us with work. He blessed us with it.

This path is not easy to maintain. We need wisdom from older believers as well as enthusiasm from the young as we try to be accountable in the community of all believers. Yet we are called by faith to follow Jesus as the ultimate missionary. The one who came to demonstrate, preach, and become good news for all is our model and a means to effective mission in the 21st century. We are ever contending for the truth of the gospel and ever walking in the fluid streams of the world. He is our hope, our vision, our life, our truth and our peace as we follow him to reach out without selling out. Today, I will take small steps on this journey and engage in work and thereby ease my burdens with the help of God. How is your soul getting along?

God Bless You and This Ministry!