Thursday, February 24, 2022

Serendipitous Thoughts by Sugar Bear 2/24/2024


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”Romans 3:23


“An excited little boy was telling his daddy about something that had happened to him that day. His daddy said, "Slow up, honey, you are talking too fast!" His boy shot back at him, "Oh, no, Daddy, I’m not talking too fast. You’re just listening too slow!" ARE YOU LISTENING”?


Fate woke me up this morning feeling, “Poor me” how many non-listening memories ! Is there a moment you ever wanted to get a reset and ask yourself can I dance to these words, “I’m a Sinner? As I go through my threshold of change, I’ve often been curious to ask, to ease my mind ,as I’ve heard the message of ,”I’m forgiven”; But brother fear and cousin judgement would get in my lane of thought. Don’t go Lord, I got to know don’t wait until tomorrow while I stared , out the window as like a kid in a thunderstorm, frighten, as the lighting strikes, “keep me safe”. All the while thinking, “I’m a sinner” but keep me safe. Faith says, “stay with me, you’re safe as a child of God”. Do you believe?


Sometimes as I travel on this journey of Faith, I’ve learned that our limited understanding can easily lead us astray. Proverbs 16:25   says, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." When we choose to direct our lives according to what seems right to us, we often reap disaster Judges 21:25. 


So ,what is a Sinner? A sinner is a person who commits Sin and misses the mark. Luke 18:13. What does this mean “missing the mark? Which mark? Gods mark or the worlds mark? As a sinner I’ve often missed God’s mark throughout my Life, that’s why I need a reset. Are you Listening ? Yes, But God is infinitely greater than we are; therefore, we should not expect to be able to fully understand Him. 


In scriptural terms, it’s correct to understand the word sinner not as a serious designation or judgment but, rather, as a relational word. A closer relationship with God which is built upon a life of obedience.  But also consider this: how do we develop a closer relationship with other human beings? We spend time with them in conversation, opening our hearts to them and listening to them at the same time. We acknowledge when we’ve done wrong and seek forgiveness. 


We seek to treat them well and sacrifice our own needs to fulfill theirs. It’s not really that different with our relationship to our Heavenly Father.


 Everyone who is separated from God through sin is a sinner.  The gap between sinners and God could only be bridged through the Lord’s act of redemption—by God Himself coming to the human side of the gap through Jesus Christ (who is “God with us”) and the Holy Spirit whom Jesus sent in His place. On the human side of the divide, the kindest, most virtuous people are sinners, and the vilest, most evil people are sinners as well. All are sinners. But God loves sinners and sent His Son to die for them. Romans 5:8 


Only Jesus Christ’s sinless, spotless perfection hits the divine mark. Christ has made the full payment for sin. Through His death on the cross, Jesus satisfied God’s justice, perfectly vindicating and freeing from condemnation all sinners who receive Him by faith Romans 3:25. As we join Christ’s on his mission  remember his fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose, was the restoration and salvation of sinners. Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” Mark 2:17. 


Let’s have The Mindset of Christ in our whole Life. The Bible teaches us that our responsibility as believers is to work uncompromisingly as the Lord has gifted us and leads us in this life. We must fully understand that until the Lord returns there are souls to reach and ministries of every sort to be performed. We are responsible for our money, time, energy, talents, gifts, bodies, minds, and spirits, and we should invest in nothing that does not in some way contribute to the work of the Lord. James tells us, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead ”James 2:26. Remembering the deeds don’t save us.


Nothing brings more joy to the Lord’s heart or more rejoicing in heaven than when a sinner is restored to right relationship with God Luke 15:7,10. 


God Bless You and This Ministry!



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