Friday, February 18, 2022

Serendipitous Thoughts 2/16/22

Serendipitous Thoughts by Sugar Bear!
"Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest". John 4:35
As I travel within my 100 foot circle of influences the message of John 4:35, is constantly on my mind. Thinking as if I'm "looking in a Glass mirror" seeing a lonely man or woman in need of ministry with useless tears on their hearts. My question are you dedicated to singing to a discipling neighborhood, and join Jesus on this mission.
Jesus taught by example that we should pray to God, our Heavenly Father, often. God loves you. He stands ready to help you.He will show each of us how we can follow Jesus’ command for evangelism.
Everyday In my missionary "want Ad" I try to
meet as many people from all types of backgrounds and communities. During one encounter I met a gentleman at the pain clinic in ames he was from Marshalltown Iowa. You see it seemed for both of us "yesterday was all we had" after the pain was gone, so to speak metaphorically our conversations range from our love of the Broncos to him explaining to me about NASCAR.
Often I pose a question designed to make them stop and think. I ask him, “How’s Jesus been messing with you lately?”
The most common response? A knowing smile.
He struggle a bit to put it into words, but he was sensing that Jesus was up to something, showing both of us a Dejan Vu for the Kingdom moment. There was something new, inviting us to perceive what he is directing us to do next.
As a Christians you ever had a sense of urgency when it comes to evangelism. There are periods of opportunity where the moment to share Christ is significant. These are occasions where God works on hearts to be open to the gospel. Many times, Christians miss these opportunities to witness for Christ. If we look, we might see people with spiritual hunger. All of us have a proclivity toward earthly matters rather than eternal.
The crop of souls is ripe and ready for those who will harvest them. There are people in our lives who are ready to hear the gospel. We need to evaluate everything with respect to the harvest. We need to be alert to when the field ripens, to when a soul is open to the gospel.
What a Serendipitous moment with the help of the Holy Spirit as a child of God!
God Bless You and This Ministry!


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