“Sometimes when I was having a creative block, during a" Serendipitous Thought" and I could not get it going. I would image I was standing on the corner of Linn Street and Armory Avenue and look out over the roofs tops of the Laura Homes projects of Cincinnati, Ohio and think “Do not worry. Jesus has this and the truest of statement that I’ve known Happens,
“God is Love the one who ‘See’s’”
At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 18:1-4
In your private moments of thought, have you ever thought about “the love or the preoccupation with material things rather than intellectual or spiritual things”? If a Christian is preoccupied with material things, it is definitely wrong. That is not to say we cannot have material things, but the obsession with acquiring and caring for “stuff” is a dangerous thing for the Christian, for many reasons.
Matthew 10:37-38,”, Jesus said, "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." Not loving the world extends to our own lives as well. Jesus said if we love anything more than Him, we are not worthy of Him”. But my problem was at that time, no one ever told me that Faith and fear cannot exist together.
I met fear at the age of seven, my eyes were awaken to the world’s corrupt value system. This fear to me, too often lived out badly in the name of Jesus as a false relational thought at the time. Fear can be “Your best friend or your worst enemy”.
As unbelief gained the upper hand within my thoughts, my fear took hold of my emotions. Our deliverance from fear and worry is based on faith, which is the very opposite of unbelief. I needed to understand that faith is not something that we can produce in ourselves. Faith is a gift Ephesians 2:8-9 and faithfulness is described as a fruit (or characteristic) that is produced in our lives by the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23
My examination of life centered around my God’s of choice, movies, music, read and sports. This slowly lead to my eyesight being blurred with the “lightness of being”, a plain self-absorbing message of, “becoming the book” mentally, of what influenced me. Was it Adversity, God’s most effective tool that was helping me re-direct and develop a resilient faith? Directing me toward the truth of the Bible with its beautifully textured wisdom a long this threshold of change. My tree within this forest of thought was in need of a doctors diagnose like a patient whom was blind but trying to see clearly. Was it sin? A desert light?
We must be careful not to let arrogance and a denial of blindness, to our spiritual condition. We must make sure that our vision is clear enough to guide others in their spiritual walk. Likewise, we do well to choose our concepts wisely, being careful not to follow blind guides who will lead us away from the straight and narrow path of God’s Word.
Finally ,”What does it mean to be meek like a child”? Jesus is not saying that children are naturally wise, pure, unknowing, and flavorsome. We all know better than that. Children are meek in the sense that they comprehend they are influenced in their own lives. They are dependent on others to receive everything they need and want. They have no power not granted by the adults in their lives. They have no status in society as a whole. They are, in reality, humble, no matter their attitude on any given day.
The greatest in the kingdom, then, is the one who is most humble, most aware of his or her lack of power, most dependent on God to provide all that is needed.
Rather than defining greatness by the standards of the world. Jesus challenges us to view status through a biblical lens. How we see and relate to each other must not be based on man-made systems. Instead on justice and mercy. Jesus encourages us to “clarify with kindness lenes” as little children. Can we become the book and view our self’s through eternal reality like children , we are helpless without Jesus. Trust Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sins.
Only when we are secure in the knowledge that our Good Shepherd is with us always can we confidently say, “I will fear no evil.”
God Bless You and This Ministry!
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