Sunday, April 15, 2018

What kind of Tater are You?

My Goal: “To view one another critically with” Laughter, fellowship and fun."

Jesus was the very embodiment of love. He was filled with God’s Spirit, who produces the fruit of joy Galatians 5:22. I imagine that he and his disciples roared in some good times of belly-aching, room rocking laughter in their collective joy.

Much could be made of the fact that Jesus is said to have never smiled or laughed. Linked to the description of the Servant as a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief’ it has furnished a basis for the idea that Jesus “life was unremittingly joyless and stressful. But could this be a serious over-simplification. Apart from all else, a joyless life would have been a sinful life. Would Jesus have been guilty of the anxiety he forbade in others Mt.6:25? Would he have fallen short of Paul’s attainment as one who had learned to be content whatever the circumstances Phil. 4:11? Or of the precept to rejoice always Phil.4:4. Could he have been filled with the Spirit and yet not have known the Spirit’s joy Gal. 5:22? Could he have given rest and relief to others Mt. 11:28 while remaining depressed and disconsolate himself without Laughter ever?...

The very fact that we humans have a sense of humor indicates that God does, too, for we are made in His image. The existence of penguins, platypuses, and puppies also builds a strong case for God’s having a sense of humor! Jesus, as the Son of God, shares the Father’s attributes, including a sense of humor. 

There can be little doubt that, apart from the brief (although indescribably intense) moment of disregard on Calvary, Jesus was serene, contented, and happy. He rejoiced, maybe even laughed a little, doubtless, in the being of his Father, meditating on him as an object of wonder and admiration; in his Father’s love, praise and constant help and presence; Jesus encouraged joyful laughter, most famously in the Beatitudes, recorded in Matthew 5 and Luke 6.Jesus said, “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” Jesus spoke of rejoicing in His parables in Luke 15-the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son were all found. The result in each case was great rejoicing. Even more telling is that Jesus told these stories as illustrations of the “joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” Luke 15:10.

Lately it has been an amazing thing for me to do, just watch people and listen, especially when they laugh, the way it sort of takes them over. Sometimes they really do struggle with it. Because at church we tend to focus on trials and suffering. I see all kinds of behaviors at the church often enough that makes me lead out with silence. But today, I want to laugh. It kind of takes me over and I want too, out of love label this type of playful joyfulness a complain term, and name it. But it is better to use humorous wisdom and just laugh . So, I suppose I could name it “Tater“ ,as a Christian that might be much more easily applied by crying first in a psalmist chant as a prayer. I suppose, except that laughter is much more easily done and it may put a jewel of a smile on a few Pastors faces.

Laughter is one way to see happiness and hear it; it’s happiness made visible and audible. It’s the sound of Joy. It’s not joy’s only sound; there is joy in sorrow, in tears, underneath sobs, and in silence. There is laughter-this happy treasure- to cherish as a gift from God.Jesus evinced a sense of humor in His teaching. Jesus’ discussion of the “log” in one’s eye is a purposeful exaggeration—and a lighthearted one at that Matthew 7:3-5 Also, the enormous image of a camel going through the eye of a needle contains humor Matthew 19:24.

Here, then is a poem called “Taters” ,by the faithful laughter of a well-rounded and charming church member:

I am a Tater
Son/Daughter/Husband/Wife of the Church
Who needs, never to participate but content to watch. They call me “Sped Taters”
Who loves, never to help but are gifted at finding fault. They call me “Comment Taters”
Who knows everything, a chief traditionist and tell others what to do. They call me ‘Dick Taters’
Who detests in a delightful way, are always looking to cause problems to agree with them. They call me “Agie Taters”
Who is utterly engaging, say they will help, but somehow just never gets around to actually doing anything. They are “Hesi Taters’ 
Who has a many delicious dream and plans up front and imitate someone that's unknown. They are called “Emma Taters”
Who with courage/integrity who love others no matter what and do what they say with a high-pitched voice, are always prepared like a Scout, which brings sunshine into the lives of others. They are called “Sweet Taters”
Who you “The Self” the final Tater, who with love for all, like to brings joy, humor and laughter into the genuine” funny tummy” of the church, through our humanity, on a regular basis, which is something that we should rejoice about. They call me the “Peanut Tater”.

Jesus had a serious mission to accomplish in this world, but He was not one to be somber all the time. There is no verse in the Bible that says, “Jesus laughed,” but we know that He empathized with us completely and felt all of our emotions. Laughter is part of life, and Jesus truly lived.

God Bless You and This Ministry!

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