Serendipitous thought by Sugar Bear as I visited my aunt Agnes in Cincinnati, the closies person to my mom.
For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?
1 Timothy 3:5
Family conveys a sense of belonging. That is why I decided to take time out of my life and visit family. I called it , The Rage of I-inter-state,” as it came to be known for me as my embodiment to drive on a family and teammate tour, everything good and bad, unforgettable and why-did-I-ever-think-this-would-be-fun? What was my motivation in doing this? To recapture, Who is my neighbor?”
I didn’t really have a specific “motivation”. I’ve always been what someone would consider a loner and always loved traveling by car. It really just made sense for me to travel alone. It was the only thing that would make me regain my happy spirit and forgiveness after so many difficulties with the "mask enemies"and understand what true love is.
We love people by genuinely seeking what is best for them. Loving others does not mean agreeing with everything they say or do, nor does it mean acting in ways that always gain their approval? Only if you don't want to be voted off the Island?
Being a part of the family of God is the greatest blessing bestowed upon believers and one that should drive us to our knees in humble adoration. We can never do anything to deserve it for it is His gift of love, mercy, and grace to us, yet, we are called to become sons and daughters of the Living God (Romans 9:25-26). May we all respond in faith to His invitation Our extending of forgiveness is motivated by the truth that God has forgiven our sin through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:32)
Where sin increases, grace increases all the more (Romans 5:20). Love covers a multitude of sins—and it keeps on covering . God Bless families.
God bless you and This Ministry 

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