Thursday, June 6, 2019

God Be With You

 “Blessed are those whose strength is in you. . .. “

It is my joy in life to find at every turning of the road as I do Life, “humbly” and join Jesus on his mission; the strong arms of a friend, teammate, relative, teacher, coach and especially the holy spirit; when the “way is Hard”.  People of an elite kind that helped me onward with my load. And since I have no gold to give, and love alone can make amends- My daily prayer is, while I live, “God, make me worthy of my acquaintances.” But we must not listen to that inner voice of the world, that defines us. That voice always counsels us to indulge in easy things that end up robbing us of great joy, and to avoid hard things that end up increasing our great joy. Yes, “the way is hard that leads to life” Matthew 7:14.

Often we hear someone tell us convincingly to have a good day!” Would not a far better farewell for Christians be the loving wish of today’s hymn text- “God be with you”? The added thought of “till we meet again” suggests a sincere desire for continued friendship with the one we “belong too? One that force us out of the classroom and on to the real field of spiritual battle where the struggle is much more chaotic, disturbing, disorienting, frightening, depressing, and sorrowful than we ever expected. Each step of this faith journey, the question marinates in my mind during the times of Hardness, what does it mean “Jesus is a friend of sinners?
And we should expect experiences that make the psalms 27:11 living and active songs for our desperate souls.To be a “friend of sinners,” Jesus subjected Himself to living in a fallen, depraved world, for we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23. Despite our sinful condition, Jesus desires a relationship with us. “Jesus went on to say, ‘To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other: “We played the pipe for you, / and you did not dance; / we sang a dirge, / and you did not cry.” 

As we grasp each step in our individual faith journey Jesus is pointing out the level of spiritual immaturity among individuals who considered themselves the “righteous” and the most “spiritual.” Do we base our standing on some rigorous following of ritual, law, and external appearance (It’s about Me) as we listen to those inner complaining echoes of today or instead be graceful of on a true understanding of God’s heart and a relationship with Him? 

As I get to know you as a child of the savior the song writer of this hymn text, “God Be with You” by Jeremiah E. Rankin, rings loudly in the mission field. He pastored several prominent Congregational churches throughout the East until 1889, when he became president of Howard university, the noted school for the education of black students. A powerful preacher and an excellent leader and promoter of congregational singing. Rankin wrote much poetry, including the still popular hymn “Tell It to Jesus.” He also edited a number of well-known gospel songbooks.

No other hymn except perhaps “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” has been as widely used as this one as a closing benediction in church services. “God Be with You” has always been a favorite in my heart and soul. It became the official song for me as I move on my faith journey throughout life side by side walking by faith and not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7, with each moment of time, “how should we expect him to teach us?”

 And still today, no finer farewell can be expressed by Christians to one another as they leave a place of adoration and closeness than the sincere wish, “God be with you till we meet again.” then Jesus’ enemies called Him a “friend of sinners,” they meant it as an insult. To His glory and our eternal benefit, continually understanding, Jesus endured such slights and became “a friend who sticks closer than a brother” Proverbs 18:24.Jesus, our friend, spent time with sinners, not to join their sinful ways but to present them the good news that forgiveness was available.

God be with you till we meet again, by His counsel’s guide, uphold you, with His sheep securely fold you-God be with you till we meet again. “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Romans16:20

God be with you till we meet again, ‘neath His wings protecting hide you, daily manna still provides you-God be with you till we meet again. Exodus 33:14

God be with you till we meet again, when life’s perils thick confound you, put His arms unfailing round you-God be with you till we meet again. Acts 20:32

God be with you till we meet again, keep love’s banner floating o’er you; smite death’s threatening wave before you-God be with you till we meet again. Peter 5:7-10

A war is not won in the tranquil, tidy classroom, but on the desperate battlefield, where soldiers must give their all. So, do you still want God to teach you his ways? Start sharing your Faith. Again, Christ’s gospel mission will not be fulfilled in the tranquil, tidy classroom, but on the desperate field of spiritual battle, where disciples must give their all.

Listen to the Chorus: Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet at Jesus’ feet, till we meet, till we meet-God be with you till we meet again. Jesus is teaching you how to walk by faith by graciously forcing you to do it. And this hard way leads to life, life more abundant than we have yet imagined. “The Spirit of the LORD is on me, Jesus is Lord!

“Fine your strength in Him”

God Bless You and This Mistry! 

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