Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Our Comfort Allows Us to Comfort Others

As the apostle Paul noted, the things that get people all worked up and red in the face generally, don’t amount to a hill of beans. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation Gal 6:15

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
This is so striking to me because, I want my heart as well as fellow believers to feel the same comfort as Paul’s when we hear the news that the church is acting out biblically for the good of others. I want to so love them and invest in their lives for the glory of God that my heart is immediately uplifted upon hearing even the smallest report of their obedience to the Lord.

 I was also struck by what God used to comfort the apostle Paul and what it says about Paul that he actually saw this as comfort. But in 2 Corinthians 7:6-7 Paul tells us what actually brought them comfort: “But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, and nobly by his coming but also by the comfort with which he comforted by you.”

 What Paul is saying to me also is that they were comforted by the fact that Titus had been comforted by the Corinthian church the people he is writing to, was meant to him that they were in a place of spiritual health. This desire, however, should not be only for pastors and people in full-time ministry, but for everyone in the church,” you are leaders as well”. We are together the body of Christ, united with him through his death and resurrection. Therefore, let us pray that our hearts will be “knitted together in love” Colossians 2:2, so that what we experience as comfort in our trials is the news that others are growing in holiness.

God promises to comfort us in our troubles, then asks us to share that comfort with others. We are to empower others with the power God gives us. Leaders who empower others offer these gifts:
Accountability which help others keep their commitments to God.
Affirmation we help people speak words of support and encouragement.
Assessment always from the heart evaluate others progress, offering an objective perspective.
Advice gives us words of wise counsel and direction.
Admonishment may lend words of caution, rebuke, or correction.
Assets give tangible resources to help their people reach their goals.
Acceptance will provide unconditional love regardless of the recipient’s identity.
Application, finally by helping others find places to apply and practice what they learn.

The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. 2 Timothy 4:22.

In it, let us learn how to remove the barriers in our relationship with God and others. Let us discover how to refresh our spiritual passion full time. It’s my prayer, especially for those of us who are feeling spiritually dry or disconnected from others that we will connect in a relational way during times of joy as well as during times of suffering and begin with new eyes and experience that reflect God’s comfort of love in a deeper way than ever before. 

God Bless you and this Ministry!

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