Sunday, June 24, 2007


Are you tired? I don’t know how many times I have asked people, how are you doing? And can you do… more commonly than not, the answer is “too busy”. It has become a badge of honor to wear, it seems. I’m not asking people how busy they are but genuinely want to know how they are doing spiritually. I know I’ve come to the place in life where I want to see the church involvement make a difference. I want it to instruct and to lead people into genuine righteousness. I’m troubled with maintenance issues in the church while outside the souls of people are being lost.

Have you found yourself coming over to church night after night, two, three and four nights in one week attending some kind of meeting or activity? Just thinking about it makes me feel tired. If, on a rare occasion the worship service went past eleven thirty, did you feel you were tired? I think part of the spiritual weariness has come from church activities that weary us instead of refreshing lives.

How are we to get control of our lives? This is a big question for me. Work runs many. Family runs others. As Christians, church activities can be over whelming as well. In fact it can be worse at times, because we might confuse seeking God’s kingdom with church mechanics. Matt. 6:33 gives us our big, over arching thrust for our lives. I believe Jesus answers this in the two great commandments he gave for our lives, and he shows us how to prioritize our lives in a way that works and actually simplifies it.

Messiah we are facing lots of challenges and priorities; about finances, building, missions, ministries, youth and being just being tired. We have had some battles over those challenges and we will probably have some more. That’s natural and healthy. But the secret is we must not get weary in doing what is right; the secret is to keep church connected with compassion; the secret is to keep church focused on that fundamental relationship with the Lord and to work for the good of all. Then maybe, just maybe we will not be to busy.

Priorities are hard to set and hard to maintain. However God has given us ours, so it’s easy, and we can know that we’re doing what we should be doing when we are keeping priorities. We need to focus on God, spouse, and family then others. If we’ll keep this order of things in our lives, we’ll do what is most important.

God Bless You and this Ministry!

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