I have a philosophy that has evolved over the years. It has helped me through every disappointment through out my life. It has helped me be calm have serenity and oftentimes I can rise above every distressing circumstance while moving on with courage and hope. My grandmother shared this advice with me before she passed away, “What looks like the end of the road,” she would say, “is only a turn in the road, the beginning of a new and more profitable experience. You are never beaten unless you give up.” I have tried hard to live by this philosophy, but sometimes I just need a better investment tip that would guaranteed me to never fade.
Listen to Jeremiah 9: 23-24 Thus says the LORD: “ Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the LORD. The only true road to me is to try to understand and know God. God says that the source of our joy and sense of importance ought to come not from our own wisdom or abilities or possessions, but from the fact that we know Him.
From to time during quiet times, I imagine for a moment living way back in the first century and my favorite apostle, Paul has written a letter or investment tip prayer for me/us today. What do you think would be his first request to God for us? I believe it would be that we increase our knowledge of God and know our history. This knowledge is more than an intellectual knowledge of God but one of a personal kind. In today’s world I have come to the conclusion that two things will determine whether or not we will get to know God better: We must realize that it is possible; and we must desire it.
Salvation is not the end of the Christian life; it is merely the beginning. It is only the first step. It is comparable to birth.
Can a Christian be content with only a casual acquaintance with God?
How can we increase our knowledge of God? How can we get close to Him? How can we know Him better? These are questions that I continually ask and search for.
How do you get to know anyone better? Well, I have determined by spending time with that person? The only way to get to know God better is by spending time with Him.
How can we spend time with Him? By reading His Word, hearing and meditating upon it. Going over it again and again until it becomes truly precious in the heart. Finally, I ask, “are you closer to God now then you were ten years ago?” I am thankful that God chose to reveal himself in such a way that we cannot only apprehend him but also have a personal relationship with him. “May the words of our mouths and the mediations of our hearts be pleasing unto You, our Rock and our Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)
God Bless You and this Ministry
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