Life Insufficiently For “I For One” think what is it! It only leads to, what did you say?
“Jesus is the answer” is a popular slogan I use to hear from some of my old-school family members. I use to say to myself especially during times of misery, “missing is the question. Jesus is the answer to what? What are these people trying to convey when they claim that Jesus is the answer”?
Basically, as I continued on this journey of life questions, what is the meaning of life for You? How can purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life be found? How can something of lasting significance be achieved? So many people have never stopped to consider these important questions as we do Ubuntu (Do Life). Do you every take time in your quiet moments and wonder about question like the above?
As a former athlete who had reached the high points of sports in college, I was once asked what I wished someone would have told me when I first started playing the sport of football. My replied, “I wish that someone would have told me that when you reach the top, there's nothing there without Christ.” Many goals reveal their emptiness only after years have been wasted in their pursuit.
In other words, there is more to life than the physical dimension. Jesus stresses this point when He says, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Not bread (the physical) but God’s Word (the spiritual) keeps us alive. It is useless for us to search within ourselves for the cure to all our miseries. Man can only find life and fulfillment when he acknowledges God.
I’m so discouraged. Somebody tells me they’ve found something good about life!Sometimes though, we lose sight of the good because of the pain that is screaming continually in our face. That’s when we have to look deeper. When life hasn’t been easy, we must look beyond this life. Sometimes when the mouth moves; but do we understand the words?
If you’re perplexed about your being, your head is probably too cluttered with hopeless notions. Before you can understand this life insufficiently, you need to understand who you are, what is your purpose and whom you belong to. You can’t find anything good in life if your uniqueness is dispirited.
In Christ is life, which is the light of men (John 1:4). Jesus came that we may have life “and have it to the full” (John 10:10). All who place their trust in Him are promised eternity with Him (John 3:15-16). For man to live—truly live—he must know Christ (John 17:3.
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
Paul is saying that Christ is everything no matter if he’s alive or dead.
Life, both now and in eternity, is found in the restoration of the relationship with God that was lost with Adam and Eve's fall into sin. That relationship with God is only possible through His Son, Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; John 1:12; 14:6. Salvation and eternal life are gained when we trust in Jesus Christ as Savior. Once that salvation is received by faith, Christ changes us, making us new creations, and we begin the progressive journey of growing closer to Him and learning to rely on Him.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28-30.
What this verse is saying is that we have a choice. We can continue to seek to guide our own lives, which results in emptiness, or we can choose to pursue God and His will for our lives with a whole heart, even during those unfriendly life burdens.
When we awaken each morning, it is with a clean slate. Time to focus on our gratefulness for the day. So, we make an appreciation list. Even when we do not feel grateful, we thank God for those things in our lives that are good. This sets the stage for a focus we can continue to seek to guide our own lives, which could result in a vacuum, or we can choose to pursue God and His will for our lives with a whole heart; which will result in living life to the full, having the desires of our hearts met, and finding contentment and satisfaction. This is so because our Creator loves us and desires the best for us (not necessarily the easiest life, but the most fulfilling).
Remember God's faithfulness. The past is a cancelled note. The record is clean. It is ok to think of the past, but to obsess about it is to deny God's creative presence for us in this day. God is with us at this very moment. And for the Christian, the future can be faced without worry or fear. The same God who has been faithful in the past, will lift us to pass through any challenge. Our faith that he is ever-present in our day, enables us to face it with confidence and joy. The hairs of our heads are numbered (perhaps a few less than yesterday). He cares even for the sparrow. How much more will he care for us today?
Find someone to hang out with just like Jesus did (Luke 7:36). Look for someone that you can make feel better today--every day. The spouse, the neighbor, someone on the sidewalk, someone in the nursing home or hospital. Build someone up. Tell them why you are glad God made them. Tell them that they have a special gift. Thank them for their gentleness with you. If there is no one present--then look for someone until you find them and then pray with them.
Thank God at night for every event in this past day. It was a part of your reality today, and you are grateful for it. You may not have liked all of it. But if you have placed every event of the day in the hands of your loving Father, then you are filled with gratitude that you were able to experience the joys, disappointments, and lessons of this day. Finally, we need to seek His peace daily by filling our minds with His Word that means daily reading of scripture in the bible, lifting all things to Him in prayer, and sitting at His feet in awe and reverence. It is only by His grace, mercy, and love that the stress in our lives can be managed.
"O Love that follows all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee.
My heart restores the borrowed ray,
That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day, may brighter fairer be"
Sometimes I think the Christian life can be compared to the choice of whether to purchase the expensive seats at a sporting event that are close to the action, or pay less and watch the game from a distance. Watching God work “from the front row” is what we should choose but, sadly, is not what most people choose. Watching God work firsthand is for whole-hearted disciples of Christ who have truly stopped pursuing their own desires to pursue instead God's purposes. They have paid the price (complete surrender to Christ and His will); they are experiencing life to its fullest; and they can face themselves, their fellow man, and their Maker with no regrets. Have you paid the price? Are you willing to? If so, you will not hunger after meaning or purpose again.
Prayer: Loving Father, help us to look for joy and meaning in this day. Sometimes our days seem empty and without purpose. We know that even then you are with us. Help us to live in this day and see the way as we wait for the healing ointment of your presence in our lives, my good friend. Thank you for this day, strength and our redeemer. In Jesus Christ, Amen
God Bless You and This Ministry!
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