Monday, July 1, 2013

The Power of A Promise

"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." Matthew 28:18
The ability to empower others is one of the keys to personal and professional success. I think, "No matter how much work you can do, no matter how engaging your personality may be, you will not advance far in life, church if you cannot work through others."
When you become empowered, you certainly work with and through people, but you also do much more. Simply defined, empowering is giving your influence to others for the purpose of personal and organizational growth. It's seeing others' potential, then sharing yourself-your influence, position, power, and opportunities-with others with the purpose of investing in the lives of others so that they can function at their best.
The act of empowering others changes lives, and one of the greatest things about it is that it's a win-win for you and the people you empower. If you empower others by giving them your authority, it has the same effect as sharing information. You haven't lost anything. You've increased the ability of others without decreasing yourself.

Recently I was challenged for being too ‘traditional’ and trusting of the past. I must admit that I do like the old songs, though I like new songs too. I do respect the legacy that our Lutheran forefathers have given us from the last century, but I am conscious that we are adding our own legacy to that today as well. I affirm the uniqueness within the Church and I uphold our distinctiveness and God because I believe it raised culture- up for a purpose...

The truth is however my holy discernment, “I see what is happening; your flesh is being crucified” The spirit is waking you up to move toward your life (Christ) – the only thing I REALLY want, which to me recaptures from a past that is the living, energetic, electrifying, FREE, Holy Spirit-filled kind of worship!!!

2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”
Is there freedom in this place of worship each morning? Are we free to worship God as the Spirit directs us? Or does our finely choreographed script bind us! Are we bound by our man-made rules and expectations as to how worship should be? Are some of us even bound by our very own tradition? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom...

Just as electricity permeates every cell, just as electricity powers every function in our bodies – so the Holy Spirit permeates every Christian and empowers the Church – the body of Christ to function.
So...What else do we know about this Holy Spirit? What else can we ask of Him or claim from him - for ourselves as individuals and for us as the Church?

The Holy Spirit is a holy fire – He is the fire in the burning bush from which Moses was called. He’s the pillar of fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness. He is the tongue of fire that rested on the heads of the believers on the day of Pentecost. He is the fire that burns in our own souls when we’re convicted of sin and wrong. He is the fire and empowers us to witness to others about the greatness of our God. He is the power that enables us to say, “Jesus is Lord”
The Holy Spirit is a creative, life-giving force. He was the force that moved upon the face of the deep at the dawn of creation. He was the force that made man a living soul. Romans 8:11 tell us that it was the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and it is the Spirit who gave birth to the church.
The Holy Spirit is a mighty rushing wind; - The wind that blew over the Red sea, partings it’s waters so the Israelites

It is interesting to note that when the Holy Spirit came upon Christ, the one who is pure and holy, the Spirit descended in the form of a gentle dove.
When the Spirit fell upon sinful human beings, however - he came as a blazing fire – To burn up every trace of sin, to let the light of Glory in, the revolution NOW begin – Send the Fire today!
It is the fire of the Holy Spirit that convicts us of our sin. It is the fire that brings to light the darkness. And it is the fire that burns out our impurities and leads us to a life of holiness.
I recently read, “after Christ “baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire” we must continue to pray for more fire so that the altar continues to blaze for the glory of God. There is only one baptism, but a continual filling. The more he fills us; the more he breaks us; the more he sets his fire upon us; the more we become like him.
An altar without fire is a temple without God. The fireless altar signifies a ruined temple. We must allow the fire to continue its work in us. We must preach with fire, pray with fire, and worship with fire. For fifty days after Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father there were no conversions. Then during Pentecost, which is the Jewish feast of harvest, the fire came and 3,000 people were transformed into believers. That is the power of the Holy Spirit fire.”

The Holy Spirit has an incredible purpose in the life of every believer. He reveals Christ to us - and through us to others. He gives us power. He teaches us to pray - and He prays for us. He brings to our attention the scriptures and their meaning-at just the right time of need. He is the Master of the house, which is our body. He baptizes us. He enables us to be faithful and to serve boldly. To testify to the work that God has done in our lives. He fills us with the fullness of God and He anoints us for service.
Is it any wonder our Founder would write-Tis fire we want, for fire we plead. Send the fire. The fire will meet our every need...We want another Pentecost, Send the fire today!!!
Is that your prayer at this time- that God would send His fire into your heart and life?
To fill you with passion and compassion for him and those around you?
Is the fire burning brightly on the altar of your heart, or has the fire gone out? Do you need to ask for an   fresh move, a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit today- I know I do, every day? Move Holy Spirit, Move in My Life let it be beyond morality, duties, rules, guilt and virtues yet leading us out of that beyond. Let us not just look at the source but beyond from which goodness as a mirror a source of God’s world view, “that is love”.

 God Bless You and This Ministry!

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