Monday, June 26, 2023

Serendipitous thoughts about my Great Grand Mother Mary and Faith

 Dear Friends, and Children of God.

As I sit here at the "State Gym" after a workout, my mind wanders through the serendipitous thoughts about my Great Grand Mother Mary her life story and encounters she told me even while being blind that have shaped my understanding of the process of becoming great.
Despite being blind, she possessed a profound wisdom that continues to influence my spiritual journey to this day.
Mary's life story was one of resilience, faith, and unwavering trust in God. Despite her physical limitations, she embraced life with joy and dedication to discipline.
In the realm of sports, I'm reminded of the importance of blocking and tackling, of executing sound defense, and managing the clock effectively. But beyond the field, these concepts hold valuable lessons that extend to our everyday lives.
In 1 Peter 3, we find a plan for harmonious living and effective communication. Verses 8-12 encourage us to be unified in our actions, showing love, compassion, and humility towards one another. These qualities form the foundation of strong relationships and enable us to overcome obstacles together.
Expanding our understanding, Ephesians provides us with powerful insights. In Ephesians 1:1-7, we are reminded of the great spiritual blessings we have received through Christ. This knowledge gives us the confidence and assurance to face any challenge that comes our way. Additionally, Ephesians 1:22-33 highlights the significance of the church as the body of Christ, emphasizing the unity and purpose we find within it.
In our journey towards greatness, we must be prepared to answer the questions and doubts that arise. 1 Peter 3:15-16 calls us to be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within us. By sharing our faith with gentleness and respect, we have the opportunity to positively impact those around us, leading them towards a deeper understanding of God's love and grace.
One aspect of life that often presents challenges is anger. However, Ephesians 4:26 reminds us that we can be angry without sinning. It is crucial to manage our emotions and respond in a way that does not cause harm or damage relationships. In fact, Ephesians 4:29 encourages us to use our words for good, to build up and encourage others rather than tearing them down.
As followers of Christ, we are called to do good and endure suffering for God's sake. 1 Peter 2:14 and 1 Peter 2:20 remind us of the importance of enduring hardships and remaining faithful in the face of adversity. We can find solace in the knowledge that the eyes of the Lord are always upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers. Our hope is secure in His unfailing love and grace, as Luke 1:13 reassures us.
My goal in sharing these truths is not simply to provide information but to convince others of the transformative power found in faith. Romans 12:24 speaks to the depth of this transformation, as we have been captured by something so profound that we are willing to be considered fools for its sake. This "something" is the love and grace of God, which compels us to love and serve others selflessly.
In our pursuit of greatness, we must be wary of the cycle of foolishness. Proverbs 26:4-5 advises us to approach arguments wisely, recognizing when to engage and when to disengage. The ultimate goal is not to win arguments but to win hearts, to build relationships grounded in love, respect, and understanding.
As we reflect on these thoughts, let us remember that the process of becoming great goes beyond personal achievement. It is about striving to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us. By embodying the qualities of effective communication, grace, endurance, and humility, we can inspire others to join us on this transformative journey.
So, let us be intentional in our pursuit of greatness, both on and off the field. Let us embrace the lessons learned from blocking and tackling, sound defense, and clock management. But above all, let us anchor ourselves in the wisdom and guidance found in the Scriptures that (was taught to me by my Great Grand ma Mary ) allowing them to shape our life and strive to engage with God wholeheartedly, pursuing excellence in every aspect of our lives.
With heartfelt regards, Sugar Bear.

God Bless You and This Ministry!

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