The sensibility of the Christian life to me is one lived by faith in the God who saved us, empowers us, seals us for heaven, and by whose power we are kept forever.
But the day-to day sociology sometimes try’s to affirms that the theory-of-knowledge concerning toils and struggles predicts that our community often times fall prey to intellectual conformity, descending down a kind of epistemic rabbit hole, with so much of a “spiral of silence.” This was a result of my individual “self”- wanting everything about “Isolation existence“ without acknowledging God
Pulse… Click ... Pulsate
Can’t do it All in the playbook
Life is counting down on your internet night-light
Burning inside are Memories that occurred days gone by
shadows upon my walls turn to ticks of seconds flashes
Illuminating that seem to dwindle away the laughter, the pain
Societies you once knew, the knowledge I seek
walk by means of a clue this era of mystique.
misled by times you crossed over once.
shared a diffable hue of memory.
subsist as if you were never there.
Year’s die...and darkness will befall
and you never know when you'll sing your last shine of ta-ta.
Oh, how I wish I could turn back time, for light is life difficult
spend it with loved ones and cherish this sacred journey called Life
what once was a candle of mine.
Or to go back even more,
being a kid in an orange slice candy store.
How I miss the way I used to feel makes me ponder
when Father Christmas was real.
But back to reality...back to today, a mindset of PMA
family is scarce and memories continue to fade away.
My Ocean is not just a “teenage” melodramatic as is.
Tick tock...tick your mind
Push… Push… Give My every Thoughtful Swag
How I wish I could control this Heart.
That timeless destiny found only in God Himself.
It is sometimes a disconcerting truth for many Christians that even though we belong to God through faith in Christ, we still seem to experience the same problems that plagued us before we were saved. We often become discouraged and bogged down in life’s cares.
But as children of God our faith is one that grows and strengthens as we seek God in His Word and through prayer and as we unite with others that are Christians whose goal of Christlikeness is so similar to our own.
The Christian life is also supposed to persevere to the end. “Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” God is not pleased with one who “draws back” from Him after making a commitment, but those who live by faith will never draw back, because they are kept by the Holy Spirit who assures us that we will continue with Christ until the end . Ephesians 1:13-14
So why are more people motivated by the quest for pleasure or money? Some center their entire lives on a goal, a job, or even their families. These things are not wrong in themselves; however, that which we center our lives on can become our god. The human heart was designed for worship, and if it does not worship God, it will worship something else. If we are not Christ-centered, we will be centered on something else. Like worries are difficulties.
Difficulties abound in life: with relationships, jobs, health, and day-to-day activities. Christians are not exempt from these difficulties; in fact, they may experience even more than their fair share: earlier in the same passage, Paul described some of the troubles he and others faced as “jars of clay” in this world. 2 Corinthians 4:7 When difficulties arise, they might seem monumental, and they have the ability to incapacitate us. However, believers have hope that even the worst suffering experienced on earth is only “light and momentary troubles” compared to the glories of eternity in heaven. Life here on earth is but a vapor James 4:1), but our eternal life in glory, yet unseen, will make the affliction worth it all. In fact, the troubles we have today are achieving for us a lasting benefit: “They produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” 2 Corinthians 4:17.
Life is hard. Disease, death, and difficulties abound on this side of eternity. Sin has marred what God originally created perfect. While difficulties are rarely enjoyable when we experience them, these hardships are only a “momentary, light affliction” 2 Corinthians 4:17 for the Christian. Our difficult circumstances have the ability to produce good fruit in our lives and to remind us of what matters eternally.
In reality, feelings come from thoughts,
In Colossians 3:2, we are told to “set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Therefore, as we do this, our feelings of guilt diminish.
So, each day, taking one step at a time, we should pray for God’s Word to guide us, read or listen to God’s Word, and meditate on God’s Word when the problems, worries, and anxieties of life come along. The secret to giving things over to Christ is really no secret at all—it’s simply asking Jesus to take our burden of “original sin” and be our Savior ,John 3:16 as well as submitting to Jesus as our Lord in day-to-day living.
God Bless You and This Ministry!
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