Monday, January 7, 2019

How do You Know?

This question has been asked by countless people throughout the ages. When we are listening for the voice of “rather”, how can we know the one speaking? Is it that we rather have a question about a certain topic or decision in our lives related to semblances, through events—i.e.; instead of listening and conforming our minds to think His thoughts, What say You? 

“but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD." Jeremiah 9:24
When the mindset clangs these days how do you know it isn’t a prank caller or solicitor? How do you know it’s not a relative, a friend or neighbor? Do you know because you discern a self-contained quantity, do you know because you have spent time devouring a spiritual soft voice? Do you know how a distinctive dialogue -in which you know the expressions used, the ambiance of singings, the changes in pitch to which signals a happiness that’s in no way is an expression of sorrow. Then through prayer you realize That’s the way it should be with God: that he would incline our hearts, and open our eyes to see him as fully as we can, seek to know him more, hear his voice and recognize his involvement in our life. Thus, the Holy spirit whispering his voice, an invitation that for us is an awesome opportunity to speak too, seeking “someone who’s never standing on the empty pew of a spans with a voice ringing out that stills all my soul.”

My seeking heart think’s, our lord, “the source of every good pleasure, he himself pleases fully and finally. If that’s not how we experience him, we are either dead, blind, or sleepwalking”.

“Behold, God is great, and we know him not; the number of his years is unsearchable.” Job 36:26

There is no requirement to begin this journey besides accepting and receiving the promises. Jesus came to breathe life into us by offering Himself as a sacrifice so our sins will not prevent us from knowing God. Once we have received this truth, we can begin the journey of knowing God in a personal way and hearing his voice. To hear God's voice, we must belong to God. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Those who hear God’s voice are those who belong to Him—those who have been saved by His grace through faith in the Lord Jesus. These are the sheep who hear and recognize His voice, because they know Him as their Shepherd. If we are to recognize God’s voice, we must belong to Him.

One of the key ingredients in this journey is understanding that the Bible is God's Word and is His revelation of Himself, His promises, His will. The Bible is essentially a love letter written to us from a loving God who created us to know Him intimately. What better way to learn about our Creator than to immerse ourselves in His Word, revealed to us for this very reason? 

Truly knowing God involves our commitment to obey what we read in the Scriptures. After all, we were created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10) in order to be part of God's plan of continuing to reveal Himself to the world. We carry the responsibility to live out the very faith that is required to know God. We are salt and light on this earth (Matthew 5:13-14), designed to bring God's flavor to the world and to serve as a shining light in the midst of darkness. Not only must we read and understand God's Word, we must apply it obediently and remain faithful (Hebrews 12:1-3). Jesus Himself placed the greatest importance on loving God with all we are and loving our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22). This command is impossible to keep without the commitment to reading and applying His truth revealed in His Word.

These are the keys to truly knowing God. Of course, our lives will involve much more, such as commitment to prayer, devotion, fellowship, and worship. 
But those can only follow deciding to receive Jesus and His promises into our lives and accepting that we, on our own, cannot truly know God. Then our lives can be filled with God, and we can experience knowing Him intimately and personally.

While God could speak audibly to people today, He speaks primarily through His written Word. Sometimes God’s leading can come through the Holy Spirit, through our consciences, through circumstances, and through the exhortations of other people. By comparing what we hear to the truth of Scripture, we can learn to recognize God’s voice. 

To summarize how to know: 1) Accept Christ as your Savior. 2) Read His Word…it is alive (Hebrews 4:12). 3) On an on-going basis, be filled with the Holy Spirit. 4) Seek the Lord through prayer. 5) Fellowship and live out your life with the saints (Hebrews 10:25).

God Bless You and This Ministry!

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