I Peter 2: 9-10
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
John 20:24-28
Life has its anxious and fearful moments, and when they occur, we find ourselves uncertain of what is going to happen. But Jesus has a good word for us today: He holds us in the palm of his hand.
In reality all of us are born free and equal. But how many truly find meaning within these words? When one child is born into the lap of luxury with servants to attend his every whim and fancy how can he be said to be born equal to the child who has difficulty securing many of life’s simplest needs-adequate food, shelter, and clothing? How do we account for the great inequality among men and women? I would like to share the following tale and it may provide a clue.
A preacher and a soap maker took a walk together, the soap maker turned to the preacher and asked, “What good is religion? Look at all the trouble and misery within the world after thousands of years of teaching about goodness, truth, and peace-after all the prayers and sermons. If religion is so good for people, why should this be?” The preacher said nothing. They continued to walk until they noticed a child playing in the gutter. Then the preacher said, “Look at that child. You say that soap makes people clean, but see the dirt on that little child? Of what good is soap? With all the soap in the world, that child is still filthy. I wonder how effective soap is after all?” The soap maker protested the analogy and said, “But Preacher, that’s not fair. You know soap is useless unless it is used.” Exactly,” replied the preacher. “So it is with religion.”
Each of us is equal in what counts most: We have equal access to the greatness of God that governs all and knows all. Each of us can draw upon this for all of our needs. But this power lies dormant unless we use it and take actions. Remember God wants our Hands. But I use to wonder what is that hand? , Is it only a relationship or just playing religion… My conclusion was,” I want to know Him and not just know of Him…” And if I/you are going to have a relationship instead of religion… then we have to try to do what Jesus did,” He Watched, He Listened, He Endured, He Did The Work and He Fulfilled His Ministry… By giving His life so that we might live.” Brother and Sisters we are the masters of our fate. We are equal with all men and women before God. Think of what blessings God can bring to our lives if we will take a few minutes every day to let him shape our lives. Many of those unhealthy thoughts that we battle will no longer mold our personalities. The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, will open our eyes and lead us out of the darkness and into the light as He guides us to face each event in life with God as our refuge and strength. The question that I want to ask , “Do You want Religion Or a Relationship…?”
God Bless You and This Ministry
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