“Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. He pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.” Mark 5:22-23
There are times in our lives when the stress of living makes life almost unbearable. Emotional healing is something that every person needs, to one degree or another, for we have all been wounded emotionally. Concentration becomes impossible. Our minds are constantly active, and relaxation just isn’t possible. It’s at times like this that Jesus can bring to us the Quieting touch or Hug from a friend, during times of emotional battle;that takes away the fever that irritates our lives and brings peace in its place. How many moments in our lives do we need that same reassuring touch or hug from the Lord, as well as from a Christian brother or sister. How often do we need to hear those words “Don’t be afraid?” Spoken with the confidence, heartfelt love and assurance that the disciples heard on that wonderful Transfiguration day. So, what does that touch/hug mean to you?
Think about how many different kinds of touches or hugs there are. There’s some that’s not so nice, such as hitting, pinching or poking. A (pure) warm hug, polite formal hug, unwanted one-armed hug, hug for a buddy, the comfortable sugar bear hugs, one of my favorites, the squeeze hug and finally the comfortable sleepy, affectionate Christ like, with Jesus on my mind hug which comes from the heart! Why do people hit, pinch, poke or squeeze during these emotional destroyers? How can a person flounder to the surface of this cultural wave and find emotional healing? Humm?
You see there is no quick and easy path to emotional healing. Some will say that all we need to do is accept Jesus, forgive and we will be suddenly healed of our woes—emotional and otherwise (great truth). The fact remains, however, that we are flesh-bound creatures. Jesus said, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41) the apostle Paul battled with the flesh and spoke of how it stubbornly resisted the desires of his will and mind to follow God (Romans 7:18-25).
Then there’s loving touch. Sometimes for me when someone is sad I don’t know what to say, usually just putting your hand on that person’s arm and pray is enough. Mentally right now, (pray) put your hand on a brother or sister in need, pray for them. Yet for many Christians it can be a challenge to humble one’s self in daily prayer. For those who have been walking with the Lord for many years, daily prayer may become stale and lacking in proper conviction or reverence. Whether one is a new believer or an established one, prayer should always be considered as THE best way to speak to God for a loved one or a close friend. Daily prayer with God is daily fellowship with our heavenly Father.
It is truly amazing that God would want to have fellowship with us at all. In fact, the psalmist asks, “What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4). Daily prayer is a good way to understand this incredible truth and the marvelous privilege God has given us, and it helps the person feel better. But if you really love someone, what else can you do? Let’s respond with a hug. That’s right- a hug! Give a child of God a big hug (with a phone call or maybe a card).
Simple words to let people know how we feel about them. These are the kind of Touches / Hugs that are ways of talking without words. The scripture above (Mark 5:22-23) the dad in this story knew if Jesus touched his little girl, she would get better. And you know what? This dad was right! When Jesus touched the girl, she got well and sat up. Jesus healed with his touch.
We may not be able to heal with our touch or hug, but we can make people feel better by giving them a quieting hug or a pat on the back. When we use touch like Jesus did, people will know how much we care for them, when you have time during your center of time give a gift of “HelpsMoment”, give your relatives or sister’s and brother’s in Christ a big hug. Let them know with your touch of love for them that you care. You see along with the word when translated “helps” means literally “to relieve, comfort, participate in, and/or support.” Those with the gift of helps are those who can aid or render assistance to others with compassion and grace. Send them a daily “Brotherly e-mail Hug”.
Praise God that He knows us so well. He knows all our needs and challenges and has given the gift of helps through hugs/touches to special individuals who can come alongside others in mercy, grace, and love. These precious saints can lift the heart by helping carry a variety of burdens that we cannot, and should not, carry alone. Jesus Christ can help us find emotional healing. His Spirit is a Spirit of kindness, selflessness, truth, and trustworthiness, and He finds joy in producing such qualities in us (Galatians 5:22-23: 1 John 3:19-24 When we are indwelt with His Spirit, He can and will delight to turn us around and make us the kind of people who can care and be faithful by others as we (hug/touch their hearts), resulting in better relationships all around (John 7:38).
May God glorify His name in our lives as we believe in Him enough to come to Him often in imploring touches/hugs for others through prayer.
God Bless You and This Ministry!